Instructions for Authors

Create a User Account

To submit a paper, authors must create an account on the system for online submission.

Step 1: Click the Register button in the menu bar.

Step 2: Enter your personal information.

Step 3: Receive an account activation email and please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account and change your password.

Step 4: Finish.

After registration, authors can use their registered email as their login ID and new password to log in to the system. Once logged in successfully, authors can start submitting abstracts/papers and modify their account information.

Paper Submission

To submit an abstract/full paper, please log in to the system and select the author view. Then click the Add button and enter all the necessary information, such as the paper title, abstract content, paper topic, author information, and contact author details.

Authors can edit drafts by using the Edit option next to each record. You can return to the author view by clicking Submissions > Submissions Here.


• For attachments, authors should name the file using their last name and initials (using Latin characters, e.g., SmithJ for John Smith) to facilitate the review process.

• Files must not exceed 1MB for abstracts and 5MB for full papers.

• Only DOC and DOCX file types are accepted. Once all details are confirmed to be correct, please click the Save button. Authors can also download and check the current version of the paper by clicking the download icon.

• After successfully submitting your abstract, authors will automatically be assigned an ID for each submission. Please keep this ID, as it is required if authors wish to contact us regarding any issues related to the submission process.

Submit Here

If there are any issues during the submission process, you can send your paper via email to

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